Hi 👋, my name is

Toronto, Canada

Ankur Boyed


I'm a 19-year-old entrepreneur and software developer. I love building products and businesses that solve real-world problems.


Boardy.ai Image

Founding Engineer @ Boardy.ai

Jul 2024 | Current

Building an AI superconnector.

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Beavr Labs Image

Founder @ Beavr Labs

May 2022 | 26mo

Successfully built products for 15 startups, scaling the team to 8 people. Successfully launched a profitable design wing (Beavr Design).

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MentorGPT Image

Founder @ MentorGPT

May 2024 | 1mo

Built an AI that learns from educational content creators to give personalized advice to people. Acquired 800 users in 2 weeks. Failed because we didn't know how to monetize.

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Seeko App Image

Founder @ Seeko

May 2021 | 11mo

Built a grammarly-like chrome extension to expose monetization opportunities to content creators. Managed a team of 4 to build an MVP. Onboarded dozens of content creators with a combined reach of 250k+ viewers. Failed due to lack of product-market fit.

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Makerstop Image

Founder @ Makerstop

May 2020 | 11mo

Started off as a 3D printing business, generating $2k in revenue. Pivoted into building a SaaS app that allows 3D printing companies to provide automated quotes to their customers. Failed because we weren't the right people to build it.

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Destination Imagination Image

4th place international prize @ Destination Imagination

Oct 2018 | 9mo

Won 4th place out of 35000 competitors in the Destination Imagination global finals competition. Built a drone capable of dropping payloads.

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FLL Image

International Finalist @ First Lego League

Oct 2018 | 8mo

Best Robot Design Award at the International West Virginia Invitational

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Science Fair Image

Silver @ Canada Wide Science Fair

Oct 2017 | 8mo

Won silver at CWSF for measuring the impact of dimples on golf balls on their aerodynamic efficiency.

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